Nipple Problems: Treatment, Procedure, Cost, Recovery, Side Effects And More

Dr Narendra Chahal
12 min readOct 22, 2021


What are common nipple problems?

Some illness or irritants in the environment can cause nipple problems. It is faced by both male and females. It is not related to breast cancer but can cause a serious problem and common types of nipple problem include:

What are the symptoms of nipple problems?

Below are the symptoms of nipple problems:

  • Discharge from nipples, including clear, milky, yellow or brown fluid
  • Irritation and itchiness
  • Nipples can be cracked
  • Nipples that are swollen and painful
  • Nipples shapes changes in the appearance of nipples or
  • Skin puckering around nipples
  • Nipple discharge due to unusual pressure

How do you know if something is wrong with your Nipples?

Nipple problems are a common problem in females. Signs and symptoms that are indicative of nipple problems include:

  • A clear, greenish, milky, yellowish, or brownish colored fluid discharges from Nipples.
  • Itching and irritation in Nipples.
  • Cracks in Nipples accompanied by bleeding.
  • Pain and inflammation of Nipples.
  • Area surrounding Nipples showing abnormal features such as dimples or puckering of the skin.

What are the bumps around the Nipple?

Bumps that are present around the Nipples are a form of sebaceous or oil glands. These small forms of glands are referred to as Montgomery’s tubercles that surround the nipple. These are of significant importance as they perform the function of lubrication as well as maintenance of hygiene of the breasts. The secretion of these glands protects breast milk from contamination.

What does it mean when your Nipples are crusty?

Crusty scales around the Nipples are a dried form of the discharge from the Nipples, which may or may not be a sign of concern. In the majority of cases, nipple discharge is a result of non-cancerous tumors or cysts, certain medications, or habits such as smoking or excessive caffeine consumption.

These are not a serious concern. However, if the discharge from the nipple is clear, colorless and bloody, and spontaneous, it is a sign of worrying concern.

Is it normal for Nipples to have bumps?

Bumps are usually another form of sebaceous or oil glands present on the surface of the areola around the Nipples. These bumps are benign in nature and generally occur as small and painless forms. Moreover, these are elevated patches that develop on the skin of the areola and are completely normal to occur around the Nipples of anybody, unless accompanied by pain and itching with abnormal discharge.

What are the causes of nipple problems?

There are many causes that could lead to nipple problem like :

  • hypothyroidism
  • Some Infections- bacterial or virus
  • Tumour- small or benign tumors or noncancerous
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Ectasia- enlargement of the milk ducts
  • Tumour in a pituitary gland
  • Breast Paget’s disease
  • An injury in the breast tissue
  • Irritation caused due to excess rubbing while exercising or sexual activity

Other causes that could lead to nipple problem like :

  • A person may experience unnecessary discharge from the breasts due to unusual pressure on his/her chest or due to a severe injury. Excessive friction may also cause nipples to become sore, irritated or cracked.
  • Itchiness of the nipples can be caused due to a number of reasons. Pregnancy can cause changes in hormone levels, expansion of breasts and increased blood flow to the nipples and this may cause nipple problems in women.
  • A person can also suffer from nipple or areola dermatitis due to eczema or other causes.
  • Breast-feeding women are the most susceptible to eczema. Sometimes the fungus Candida albicans may cause a woman to suffer from a fungal infection of the nipples.
  • A person may also suffer from a condition called jogger’s nipple or runner’s nipple if he/she experiences irritation due to clothing rubbing against the nipples during some physical activities.
  • Treating nipple problems involve identification of the cause that is causing the problem. So there are different treatment options.

Can Nipple Problems go away on their own?

Nipple problems, not in all cases, need medical consultation. However, consulting a doctor is a better option as he might suggest an alternative to the medication in case side effects due to medication are a cause for nipple problems. Some lifestyle changes or home remedies may also work in this case.

Those changes include wearing comfortable clothes while exercising and this applies both to men and women. Some products may also be used in case soreness occurs on the nipples which can aid in healing. Hence it can be said that nipple problems do not require treatment and can get resolved spontaneously when the causative factors are eliminated.

Why do my Nipples look cracked?

Cracked Nipples are a common condition of the Nipples affecting both males and females. It is usually caused by Nipples trauma. Some of the causes responsible for the trauma include:

  • Chafing due to friction with clothes which may be as a result of sports.
  • Breastfeeding can cause the cracked Nipples in many ways such as impaired latching of the baby, struggling for an ideal technique, or correct positioning and use of a breast pump.

Why are my Nipples hurting?

Nipples can hurt in some conditions such as when sores occur in them. The main causes for nipple soreness include:

  • Wearing ill-fitting clothes.
  • Infections like eczema and contact dermatitis.
  • Pregnancy involves several hormonal changes.
  • Commencement of periods during menstruation which is related to hormonal changes.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Infections such as mastitis which milk ducts inflammation and thrush which is a fungal infection.

When I squeeze my Nipples Why do I see white spots?

The main causes for the appearance of white spots when the Nipples are squeezed include the following:

  • Presence of clogged pores of Nipples while breastfeeding.
  • Hormonal changes related to pregnancy.
  • Certain infections.
  • Conditions that may be rare.

How are nipple problems diagnosed?

Diagnosis can be done in many ways. Before diagnosis, your doctor should have the idea of what problem could be, after that doctor will suggest or conduct some of the following tests:

  • Ductography: In this doctor injects the dye in the breast ducts to check the blockages.
  • Mammogram or breast ultrasound: It reveals any lumps in the breast.
  • Skin biopsy: It is done to check the cancer cells in the skin.
  • Prolactin test: This test is done to see the hormone levels which stimulates milk production.
  • Thyroid hormone test: It is done to check the thyroid gland functioning.
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan

How is the treatment options for nipple problems?

A person needs to take appropriate medications to treat nipple problems due to any infection. Nipple problems due to a bacterial infection will require treatment with antibiotics. Again, a person suffering from fungal infection like candidiasis will have to take an antifungal medicine.

A person suffering from nipple problems due to the presence of a small but non-cancerous tumor may require going to the doctor on a regular basis. Ecstasia or swollen milk ducts usually gets resolved on its own. However, a doctor may surgically remove the swollen milk ducts if a person suffers from this condition continuously.

Nipple problems can also occur due to lack of thyroid hormones in the body. Lack of such hormones can cause the normal balance of chemical reactions to get upset. However, this condition can be treated with the help of a prescription medicine which will help to replace the hormones.

Pituitary tumor, which can cause nipple problems, can be treated with the help of two medications like bromocriptine and cabergoline. Sometimes radiation therapy may also be necessary to treat such a tumor.

A person may have tumors in the nipple or may have tumors all over the breast if she is suffering from Paget’s disease of the breast. If the tumors are concentrated only in the nipple, the person will require undergoing surgery to remove the areola and nipple and also will have to take radiation treatment. If the tumors are spread all over the breast, the person may require undergoing mastectomy to remove the entire breast.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

A person who has nipple discharge without any apparent reason I eligible for the treatment. The fluid discharge may appear o be clear, yellow, milky, green or even bloody. Other symptoms that may make a person eligible for treatment are irritation, cracking, bleeding and soreness of the nipples or if the nipples have changed their shape. A person should be diagnosed by a doctor by be suffering from this condition to be eligible for the treatment.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Treatment in case of nipple problems depends upon its cause. When the development of nipple problems is related to any systemic cause such as hypothyroidism and other causes like the presence of a small benign tumor, Paget’s disease of the breast, infection, etc., then only there is a need for proper treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Otherwise, it may be controlled or managed by home remedies or implementation of some lifestyle changes. Wearing proper fitting clothes, especially during exercises, are necessary as it may aid in preventing the condition as well as easing the symptoms.

Are there any side effects?

A person generally suffers from acute symptoms during the treatment phase of radiation therapy. So a person should always be aware of the side-effects of radiation. However, other side-effects include fatigue, skin reactions, general weakness and tiredness.

Antihistamines, which are used to treat eczema of the nipples, can have side-effects like drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, restlessness or moodiness, confusion, dry mouth or blurred vision.

How to prevent Nipple Problems?

Nipple problems usually are caused by the attachment of the baby to the breast in an improper manner. However, there are several ways for the prevention of such conditions which are such as:

  • Proper and correct attachment of the baby to the breast while feeding the baby.
  • Application of soaps and shampoos, as well as ointments, powder, or tinctures to the nipple areas, should be avoided.
  • The left out milk or colostrum on the nipples should be left as such after breastfeeding.
  • Breast pads if used need to be changed frequently.
  • In case the painful or traumatic conditions are not showing signs of improvement, consultation with a doctor should be preferred.

Should I go to urgent care for Nipple Problems?

Nipple problems require urgent medical care and attention in cases when the development or occurrence is related to any systemic cause or other causes. Such cases are accompanied by some of the causes which include:

  • Systemic causes like hypothyroidism.
  • Infections including bacterial, fungal such as thrush.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema of nipples.
  • Nipple trauma.
  • Presence of benign tumor.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Wearing properly fitting clothes while exercising or working out will help a person to avoid nipple problems. Women who run or do horseback riding should wear a well-fitted sports bra. Men, who are suffering from nipple problems, should wear a snug undershirt before indulging in physical activities.

Applying products to prevent chafing may also help to deal with nipple problems. It may also be beneficial if a person applies moisturizer to keep the nipples moist.

How long does it take to recover?

Mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery will require a person to take a week off from active life. It normally takes a person about 10–14 days to recover from the effects of this surgical procedure.

Physical activity should be avoided for a period of about 1 month. The recovery period for a person suffering from nipple problem depends on the cause of the ailment.

What is the price of the treatment in India?

Mammoplasty generally costs in between Rs 85000 and Rs 110000. Anti-fungal medications can something in between Rs 640 to Rs 1600. A tablet of cabgolin, that is used to treat nipple problems due to pituitary gland is approximately Rs 273 per pill. A single pill of dostinex which is also used for a similar purpose can be purchased for Rs 225. Antibiotics are available within a price range of Rs 10-Rs 40 for a single tablet.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

A person may suffer from an injury to his/her chest or breast and this may cause him/her to suffer from nipple problems even after that person has undergone treatment for the same. Pregnancy or some infection may also cause a person to suffer from nipple problem. Thus there is not always a permanent solution.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

A pregnant woman can use her own breast milk to treat sore, cracked, blistering or bleeding nipples. Sore nipples can also be treated by applying a warm compress. Other natural methods that help to treat nipple problems include massaging with oil, use of aloe vera, basil leaves and ice. Calendula, tea-tree oil, chamomile and Vitamin C also help to deal with nipple problems.

How do you unclog your Nipples pores?

Nipples pores can be unclogged by the application of home remedies or self-care techniques. Some of them include:

  • Feeding should be continued in a usual manner.
  • Application of heat specifically moist heat to the plugged region.
  • Warm-water soaking of the breasts.
  • Blisters around the clogged pores should be rubbed with a warm and clean cloth. This results in the removal of skin clogging the pores and thus providing relief.

What to eat in Nipple Problems?

Nipple problems are closely associated with breast health. Hence it is important for us to know about the foods which would lead to the healthier development of breasts. Some of those foods include soy, wheat germ, blueberries, squash, and sage tea.

These food items play an important role in preventing nipple problems as they affect them in a number of ways. They reduce the risks of fibrocystic breasts, tenderness in the breasts, development of tumors, lump formation, fatigue, irritability, and palpitations.

What not to eat in Nipple Problems?

Food has an important role to play in case of nipple problems as it affects breast health in a number of ways. However, there are some food items that need to be avoided as far as the condition of nipple problems is concerned. Some of those food items include reduced alcohol intake, limited consumption of added sugar, low-fat diet, red meat, processed foods, undercooked foods, cakes, candy, cookies, soda, beer, wine, and dairy products.

Summary: Nipple problems are a common problem in females that show some symptoms such as itching and irritation in Nipples, cracks in Nipples accompanied by bleeding, and pain and inflammation of Nipples. It can be treated by some self-care techniques and home remedies including proper breastfeeding manners, application of moist heat to affected areas, and warm-water soaking of the breasts.

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Dr Narendra Chahal

I work as a General Physician for the past 14 years having a wide range of experience in handling patients in all kinds of General Physicians range!